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The Project Plan of Advisory Services for Public Nuisance and Evidence Examination Technology (2 Year Plan of 2015-2016)

This project completed and planned several work items as follow: (1)This project has been completed login principles and management of control, we illustrated demonstration case in seminar. (2)This project will enhance the public nuisance dispute information management system to cope with different user requirements including public nuisance appraising website, information Security, experts and scholars information, Legal Aid Project. (3)This project reminding all environmental protection bureau to renew some membership lists aperiodically. (4)This project keep in close contact with all environmental protection bureau and provide treatment recommendations or resources. By analyzing the cases to understand the impact factor of the judgment. (5)This project held several meetings in three seminars for local environmental protections bureaus in August. And a national work review meeting in October.
“Public Nuisance”,“Public Nuisance Disputes”,“Public Nuisance Appraising”